Seize the Opportunity
At AMU we take great pride in being an Army-friendly college. Our classes are online with no set login times and start every month, so you can begin on your schedule. We 're also committed to saving you time and money by awarding transfer credit for your prior college coursework and Army experience.*
*The University reserves the right to accept or deny credits according to the policies outlined on these transfer credit webpages. Actual time to completion will be based upon transfer credit evaluation and eligibility.
Steps to Get Started
Complete Admissions Requirements
After you submit your admissions application, review the undergraduate or graduate admissions ecampus tutorial and relevant tuition checklists (financial aid and military TA). An admissions representative will walk you through the follow-up steps you need to get started.

Your Degree May Be Closer Than You Think
Let us help you get the credits you deserve. We accept many forms of professional military education, non-academic experience, and training based on guidance from the American Council on Education. These credit recommendations appear on the servicemember’s Joint Services Transcript (JST). We reserve the right to accept or deny credits according to policies outlined on our University website.
- U.S. Armed Forces Medical and Health Sciences Training
- If you have military health sciences training, APU 's online Associate of Applied Science in Health Sciences can be an ideal entry point to college study
- U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Detective Special Agent Course (CIDSAC)
- U.S. Army Intelligence Center (USAIC) - Fort Huachuca Military Intelligence School (MIS)
- U.S. Army Management Staff College Civilian Education System (CES)
- U.S. Army Medical Department Center & School (AMEDD): Practical Nurse Course (68C10 Phase 1 and Phase 2)
- Army Management Staff College SBLM (Sustaining Base Leadership Management)
- Army Logistics Management College
- U.S. Army Adjutant General Captains Career Course
- U.S. Army Command and General Staff Officers Course Non-Resident
- U.S. Army Command and General Staff Officers Course Resident
- U.S. Army Engineer Captains Career Course
- U.S. Army Intelligence Center: Fort Huachuca Military Intelligence School
- U.S. Army Logistics Captains Career Course
- U.S. Army Maneuver Captains Career Course
- U.S. Army Medical Department Captains Career Course
- U.S. Army Management Staff College Civilian Education System (CES)

AMU's Freedom Grant covers tuition above the military TA cap of $250 per credit hour for all undergraduate and master's-level programs. The grant is available to all U.S. active-duty servicemembers, National Guard members, Reservists, and their spouses/dependents.
Textbooks and ebooks for all undergraduate, doctoral, and Freedom Grant-eligible master’s-level students provided at no cost.